
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Psychedelic practitioners’ community and directory

Join the largest community of psychedelic practitioners & get listed in the directory so others can find your psychedelic services & expertise.

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Connecting Psychedelic Practitioners to Each Other and the Community

The demand for psychedelic-assisted therapists, facilitators, prescribers and other psychedelic services is quickly becoming far greater than what is currently available.

As you add psychedelic services to your offerings you will have many questions and not a lot of places to turn to with real answers, which is why we’ve created a new platform exclusively to support practitioners in the psychedelic space. Having community support will greatly reduce your learning curve and increase effectiveness in using these powerful medicines in therapy.

With this platform you will be able to

Find and connect with other complementary practitioners as a resource

Find supporting professional referrals or be recommended

Have clinical discussions on psychedelic topics and experiences with other professionals

Access and share clinical trial data and experiences with peers

Allow clients to find you on the area psychedelic practitioners search

Share and grow your psychedelic business and offerings

Be easy to find for vendors offering support services

Access exclusive content and resources

A Specialized Directory for the Psychedelics Industry

We are building a community of psychedelic practitioners from all over the world to create the largest specialized community for practitioners of psychedelic services. 

In our directory, practitioners may build their psychedelic experience profile and establish themselves as innovators with specific expertise and therapy experience in the psychedelic field.  Listed practitioners will have access to our psychedelic practitioners’ community and will have access to resources including clinical trial data from peers.

*Please note that the Introduction Course is a requirement for the Advanced Training Courses

Who is the Directory for?


Physicians, Psychiatrists and Nurse Practitioners

Join a network of professionals and services to ally with for referral of psychedelic-assisted therapy to your patients who need it.  You will have access to clinical trial data and experiences from healthcare professionals on the utility of psychedelics.  As well as source medicines in a time and effort efficient manner through our platform.

Therapy Providers

Psychologists, Therapists, Counsellors and Social Workers

Find vetted and knowledgeable prescribers to send clients to.  Share and learn of clinical trials and practice data, and results from peers to assist you to provide effective psychedelic therapy.   Shorten your learning curve by having a supportive community.  And access to ATMA’s network of dosage/drug administration clinic facilities without having to leave your practice to join a psychedelic clinic.

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Training


Increase your network of psychedelic practitioners near and far who may be looking to access your services. If you become a highly recommended facilitator in the community and directory you will have a multiplier number of referrals compared to what you would have if you just promoted your services locally.

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Service Centers

Facilitation Centers, Healing Centers, Retreats and Medical Centers

Join a network of professionals and services to ally with for referral of psychedelic-assisted therapy to your patients who need it.  You will have access to clinical trial data and experiences from healthcare professionals on the utility of psychedelics.  As well as source medicines in a time and effort efficient manner through our platform.

Third-Party Service Providers

Integration Resources, Technology Platforms, Support Businesses

This is your marketplace.  The benefit of the multiplier effect in dealing with a network of practitioners, each of whom has hundreds of clients and patients for which they could refer your service and products to, cannot be understated.  Bring your service and product and support the community while you build your business.


Psychedelic Directory Pre-Launch Sign-up!

Fill out the form for directory inclusion consideration

ATMA needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at anytime. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, check out our Privacy Policy.

Psychedelic harm reduction

The growing number of people in North America who are taking psychedelics on their own because they’ve heard it can help with their mental well-being can’t be understated in both numbers and potential risk. In their pursuit of self-medication, they may take psychedelics alone and feel lost due to lack of experience and knowledge, or they may take them with an unskilled or untrained facilitator who has the potential to do more harm than good. The ATMA directory will help to serve this population who are looking for experienced practitioners and can reduce the potential harm of self-medication. 

Even if you choose not to integrate psychedelic-assisted therapy into your practice, taking training on psychedelics can help you help others who come to you with questions. Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration is an approach that you as a therapist can take when having conversations with people who have taken psychedelics in clinical or non-clinical settings, or who are seeking help at any stage of psychedelic use.